Friday, February 28, 2014

The Journey: Everybody Needs Support

Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by. I’ve been hard at work with some behind the scene tasks for Through the Fire. One of those tasks was going over feedback from my group of beta readers.

Last week I received some encouraging feedback that I’m grateful for. I’m also grateful for a remark they shared that made me smile—“I want to see more of her.” The ‘her’ being referred to in this request is the secondary character, Bernadette Lewis. The ‘more of’ refers to seeing more of her  in the story.

Request Denied

As pleased as I am at knowing that the character connected with the reader, I’m unable to fulfill that request. I can’t because it would take that character out of their role of being  supportive to the protagonist.

Like any project there is a standard process to be considered. For writers of fiction, one of the most important steps is establishing the role of the characters. At the top of the list is the protagonist/main character. The story primarily revolves around them, their goal(s), possible failure or success. Questions to be answered about them can be extensive. Who are they? What’s their plight? How will they deal with it and others as they work their way through? Are they loveable or are they someone the reader will love to hate?

The list goes on; because it does who that protagonist is has to be written in a way that gets the reader invested in them. It is equally important that the reader develop some type of rapport with those sent to help tell the story. Drawing from the adage, ‘a person is known by the company they keep’, writers must build a supporting cast capable of giving depth and realism to the protagonist and the story.  Who they are should show to what extent they are or aren't trusted, how they deal with adversity and most of all, what they contribute to the central theme of the story. Although secondary, they too should have an independent goal and represent a key element of the story. A bit of backstory is helpful. How much is up to the writer. Who they are should never overshadow the main character. But, who they are should be interesting enough to where the readers can’t imagine the book without them.

A prime example of this is the character Mouse from Walter Mosley's Devil in a Blue Dress. Mouse came to support Easy Rollins' need for protection. His presence did just that and you also learned a bit of his backstory. The supporting role he played helped you to see another side of Easy. It also added a bit of levity and insight to the unlikely friendship Easy cherished having with him.

So again I must say, ‘Request Denied’. Not because I don’t want to give Bernadette a larger role than she already has, but because I have to keep her in her lane of—supporting Hayes.

As always I thank you for stopping by. Until next time remember to use your words to bear good fruit!



Friday, February 14, 2014

And The Winner Is

Congratulations to Carrie Sawyer. You're the winner of the $25.00 gift card from either Amazon or Barnes & Noble.  Enjoy!


Monday, February 10, 2014

The Journey: Time Management

One of the things I’ve learned about being a wife, mother and business owner is that time-management is of the essence. Regardless of how you feel, you have to the meet the deadlines in order for the plan to run according to the set schedule.

When you factor in the needs of family and other commitments, what we’ve set our minds to can seem to be too much. It becomes even more challenging when virtually all you do leaves no time for you to decompress. But take heart, our guest blogger, Ms. Nakia LaShaul is going to share her insights on this subject.

The truth is…There is not enough of it—TIME.

You can wake up and start your day with the very best intentions. Oh, how the best of us can carefully plot out every single hour, minute and second of it—TIME. Post it notes, mobile device reminders, ticking alarm clocks blare in your ear flashing signals that it’s time to go again. You have a task, one more job to do and another assignment. The most important meeting of your career is at eight a.m. and you didn’t dare touch the snooze button because you understand the importance of moving. You have a lunch date with your very best friend at noon. Don’t forget to pick up the kids by six and remember, if they’re late to football practice at six-thirty there will be drills to pay. A drive-thru dinner at seven-forty-five saves you a little bit more of it, but a surprise major assignment for junior’s art class which had been hiding in his backpack for two weeks took three hours and there in a billowy could of smoke went the time you strategically set aside to plot out your plan to take over the world—your dream TIME. It was after midnight when you finally sat down at your desk and in the seconds it took to boot up your laptop you had fallen asleep.

How in the world are you supposed to manage the chaos of your life? When will you have the time it takes to make your dreams come true? You look at your friends who somehow manage to move forward, make the best of their time but with a schedule like yours it’s next to impossible. You feel stuck and can’t figure out where you keep going wrong. Well, I will tell you the secret to successful people. If you think time is going to come to you by happenstance, you are sadly mistaken. No my friend, you must steal it. Yes, I said steal TIME. And I know that you good people have never stolen anything in your entire lives, so I shall tell you exactly how to do it.

STEAL TWENTY MINUTES: I know your body requires exactly eight hours of sleep. I am here to tell you that you will survive on seven hours and forty minutes. Wake up before everyone else and use that twenty minutes to work on your project. I know twenty minutes doesn’t sound like much, but that 140 minutes a week—over two hours a week—nine hours a month!

STEAL AN HOUR: Your best friend will miss those lunch dates and so will you, but you need that hour back. Instead of meeting weekly to complain about what’s lacking in your life, you meet only once a month. And you just scored yourself three hours a month plus travel time! And if you can’t do a little side work from the day gig, that’s what laptops and backseats are for—mobile office!

STEAL A DAY: Girls Night Out or Game Day with the fellas—steal that. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know you deserve it. But we’re not talking about deserve right now, we’re talking the desire of your heart. You can get a good eight hours a month if you steal time away from an activity such as these.

STEAL A WEEKEND: Arrange with your spouse, friend, parents or whomever trustworthy to help with the kids one weekend a month. It doesn’t have to be overnight, but if you can just steal the bulk of the day and snag ten hours on Saturday and Sunday for a whopping twenty hours. Winning!

APPROXIMATE TIME STOLEN: I just helped you score over 40 hours. The same amount of time you faithfully devote to corporate America. You can thank me later!

There is no way for you to time-manage all of life’s activities with precision and you deserve the opportunity to make your dreams come true. Remember, it’s your time, you stole it, so only use it to do you.


Award winning author, Nakia R. Laushaul resides in Houston, Texas with her lovable teenage son. She is an inspirational poet, motivational speaker, novelist and entrepreneur. Nakia truly believes that by doing what you love, you become happy! She hopes that you will find your happiness. For more information visit her website: or shoot her an email

Connect with Nakia R. Laushaul on the Web:




Instagram: agirlnamedkikiwrites

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Journey: Romance Is In The Air

In the month of February this nation places special emphasis on Romance.

We’re bombarded with what everyone thinks should be done for that special someone in our life. Advertisements for diamonds, flowers, chocolates, exotic vacations and much more are everywhere.
As a writer who incorporates romance in her works I’m always curious as to what others consider to be romantic. In my upcoming release, Through the Fire you'll find passages that speak to the emotion of romance, in some very unique ways. 

Sooo, in keeping with the romantic theme of February I’m soliciting your points-of-view as it pertains to romance. And of course you’ll be rewarded for your time. The most creative/thought-provoking comment will be selected by Team Linda and be rewarded with a $25.00 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift certificate.

Please bear in mind that my works do not showcase explicit acts of sex or language; therefore I ask that your submission not contain that either. That said, I’d like to hear what you consider to be romantic.  Comments are to be posted at: Deadline for acceptance is end of day PST,  Tuesday, February 11, 2014. Selected entry will be posted on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.

Before I go I'd be remiss if I didn't invite you to visit my website at: to learn more about Through the Fire and my other works.

I thank you in advance for your entry and as always—remember to use your words to bear good fruit.

