Wednesday, April 22, 2015


My literary journey began long before my first release. Shortly after publication, a fantastic book release party and invitations to numerous book clubs, my father became seriously ill.
Plans that I had painstakingly made now had to take a back seat to caring for my dad. It’s something that I gladly did, but I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t admit that I was bit bummed.
Rather than stew in my own juice (as one of my sisters would say), I exercised the patience most were surprised that I had.
During the time away from writing I used what was in my hand and began to delve deeper into the literary world. I inherited an online writers group and worked with and learned from them, developed a blog and when time allotted, I ventured out to conferences.
It wasn’t what I had planned, but because I chose patience, many doors opened for me. Through those opened doors I was able to develop relationships and a knowledge base that not only helped my future, but allowed me to support others.
They say that patience is a virtue and I believe that it is. It’s also a way of keeping us from putting our cart before the horse.



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